Arunai Engineering College

E-Content System

In this digital era, technology is growing up from earth to sky. E- content is a very powerful material tool of education. It is valuable to learners and also helpful to teachers of all individual instruction system. The concept of digitalization will create an impact and attention towards the curriculum. It includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various media.

E-content is a way to provide quick delivery of lessons. As compared to traditional classroom teaching method, this mode has relatively quick delivery content.

With online teaching and learning, the need for paperwork is absolutely zero.

Since all teaching sessions are conducted online and the study materials are digitized, we can indirectly contribute towards saving the environment.

It builds strong teacher-student communication & engagement over time leading to positive learning outcomes.

Course Material

CSE/IT Sem - 02

No Data

CSE/IT Sem - 03

Data Structures
Communication Engineering
Digital System Lab Manual
Data Structure Lab Manual
Object Oriented Programming Lab Manual

CSE/IT Sem - 04
CSE/IT Sem - 05

Algebra and Number Theory
Telecommunication Network Management
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Theory of Computation
Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab Manual
Computer Networks lab Manual
Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab Maual

CSE/IT Sem - 06
CSE/IT Sem - 08

No Data