Centre Of Innovation

Centre Of Innovation
Think Big Anyway! That’s what Innovation Excellence contributor Robert B. Tucker advised students when he delivered the commencement address at the University of California, Davis. “CENTRE OF INNOVATION” is a program which was initiated by Department of Computer Science & Engineering with thinking of all the events together in on creative and innovative mind in Arunai Engineering college. This is held mainly for the young innovators to show up their talents to worldwide. Every student of Arunai Engineering College will take part in this event and share their knowledge among students and to others also .This would be the biggest change in every students life and for the generation.
Coming up with new ideas which would increase the productivity and generate greater output with the same input. And most important staying relevant in this competitive world, exploring more and more ideas.
There are lots and lots of benefits we get through this. As when we think we learn new stuffs and by that we explore more creative ideas and show them . we show to the world that anybody can think and can think in big way by giving them interest and opportunities. Each and every person in this world can show their unique qualities.
Procedure is so simple, all you need is to contact the concern coordinator, explain your creative idea to them they will guide you.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering plays a major role in bringing the “ CENTRE OF INNOVATION” to teach and reach every students of Arunai engineering college. We play a simple role in media to make students connect with the current trends based on technologies and creative ideas. As creativity and new innovation occurs while we dream, and our dream transports us to magical places as APJ Abdul Kalam said Dream more, by this students get more and more interested in making new creative innovative ideas we help them to give biggest moral support for future progress.
Contact Details
- Coordinator
- Helpdesk
Dr.M.Jothish Kumar,
Head, Dept of CSE,
Arunai Engineering College,
Tiruvannamalai - 606603.
Click To Call : 9787074363
Faculty Helpdesk
Click To Call : 9994699124
Click To Call : 9486082199
Click To Call : 9865552783
Outcomes Of COI
Enlighten the knowledge of faculty and students.
Arunai Ideathon 2021
AEC brings to you an ARUNAI IDEATHON 2021 in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) & Computer Society of India (CSI) to discover real brand solutions by hiring as well as meeting the best & the youngest minds.
Arunai Ideathon 2022
AEC brings to you an ARUNAI IDEATHON 2022 in association with Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) & Computer Society of India (CSI) to discover real brand solutions by hiring as well as meeting the best & the youngest minds.