Arunai Engineering College

Lecture's Video of CSE


During this pandemic situation, the digital transformation enters into different dimension to trigger the minds of professionals. This series of visual makes the faculties to meet the expectation and create the involvement in student minds.

 Videos create a more engaging sensory experience than using print materials alone.

 They provide a go-to resource that can be watched from anywhere with an internet connection. Videos are accessible on a multitude of devices including laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

 Visuals holds more appeal than plain text to those curious and intuitive young minds.

 Videos increase knowledge retention, since they can be stopped and replayed as many times as needed. They can also be reviewed long after the initial lesson was taught.

 They greatly assist in the learning of all subjects, but particularly those topics that are complex and highly visual, such as step-by-step procedures, problem-solving, or science.

 They increase proficiency in digital literacy and communication.



 Videos increase student engagement, which in turn helps boost achievement. If students are interested in the material, they will process and remember it better.

 They offer the flexibility to pause, rewind, or skip throughout the video to have class discussions or review particular areas.



 Great potential to improve marketing and communications. Digital videos help to broaden your audience by reaching a greater number of people.

 These can be posted on our institution website or linked in an email or digital advertisement, or posted on social media.



S.No.TitleResources Link
1GE8161 – Python| Insertion Sort in Pythonview
2CS8383 – OOPS Lab | Packages in Javaview
3CS8381 – DS Lab | Merge Sortview
4CS8661 – IP Lab | Apache Tomcat Serverview
5CS8492 – DBMS | Transactionsview
6CS8691 – AI | First Order Logicview
7CS8661 – IP | Website Development Using HTML & CSSview
8CS8691 – AI | Propositional Logicview
9CS8492 – DBMS|Concurrent Execution Scheduling & Serializabilityview
10CS8691 – AI | First Order Logic Part-2view
11CS8603 – DS | Distributed Mutual Exclusionview
12CS8651 – IP | Cascading Style Sheetsview
13CS8651 – IP | PHP & XMLview
14CS8493 – OS | Process Conceptview
15CS8691 – AI | Forward & Backward Chaining Part-Iview
16CS8691 – AI | Forward & Backward Chaining Part-IIview
17CS8691 – AI | Resolution Part-Iview
18CS8691 – AI | Resolution Part-IIview
19CS8691 – AI | Ontological Engineering Part-Iview
20CS8691 – AI | Ontological Engineering Part-IIview