About WSW
World Space Week (WSW) is an
international celebration of
space science and technology
and their contribution to the
betterment of humanity. Every
year 4th to 10th October is being
celebrated by more than 70
nations as World Space Week in
commemoration of the launch
of first man-made Earth
Satellite, Sputnik-I on 4th
October, 1957 and the signing of
treaty on principles governing
the activities of nations in the
exploration and peaceful uses of
outer space including the moon
and other celestial bodies by a
resolution in UNO on 10th
October, 1967. The United
Nations General Assembly made
this resolution on 6th December
1999 declaring that World Space
Week will be held each year
during October 4th to 10th.
Sathish Dhawan Space Centre
(SDSC) SHAR, ISRO is celebrating
WSW-2019 during 9th & 10th
October 2019 at Arunai
Engineering College,