Centre Of Excellence
The Department of Computer Science Engineering (CSE), Arunai Engineering College, has initiated the “Center of Excellence”, to stimulate the talents of the students and extract better out of them.
Creates Platform
The Center of Excellence is a community, platform and environment built for proliferating the talent in our society. It provides various opportunities for the students to showcase their talents and enlighten them, through numerous programs and events.
Collaborative Ideas
Under this, the community of students with similar interests and collaborative ideas work together to innovate products that enhances our society.
Enriched Knowledge
We have organized various programs and events to enrich the talents of every individual in our society, with lots of wisdom and technologies.
Outcomes Of COE
Centre Of Social Connectivity
The Center of Social Connectives is the platform initiated for the students to build their social connective, fulfil their responsibilities towards the society, and achieve rural upliftments using various latest technologies.
Centre Of Industry Based IOT (IIOT)
The Center of IIOT is the environment created for the students to innovate their ideas and implement them using various technologies. This enables the students to design, develop, learn, explore, and express the wisdom.
Center Of Skill Development
The Center of Skill Development is the initiative taken for the students to know thyself and explore various skills. Sharing of skills and knowledge between the community of people can enhance their learning and develop interpersonal and intrapersonal skills of the individuals.
Center Of Innovation
The Center of Innovation is the initiative taken to showcase and uplift the creativity of the students. Through numerous ways, students are encouraged and stimulated to express their ideas and enhance their creativity. This helps with personal and societal upgradation.